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Protect Medicaid.
Protect our Communities.

NH Medicaid provides health care coverage to low-income Granite Staters. It covers essential services like doctor visits, hospital care, prescriptions, and long-term care, helping our residents access the care they need to get healthy, stay healthy, and live in our communities.

Over 187,000 Granite Staters are currently enrolled in Medicaid, including children, pregnant women, people with disabilities, veterans, and older adults in nursing homes. Thirteen percent of New Hampshire's population is covered by Medicaid.

The federal government is currently considering budget cuts to Medicaid. This threatens NH Medicaid, which relies on federal funding for 50% of traditional programs and 90% of expansion. These cuts could put hundreds of thousands of our residents at risk of losing their health care coverage.

Why Medicaid Matters

Health Care Access

NH Medicaid provides health care access for low-income children and families, older adults in nursing homes, pregnant women, and people with disabilities.

Economic Benefits

Medicaid supports our local economy by funding health care services, benefiting the state budget, helping keep rural hospitals open, and creating jobs within the health care sector.

Cost Savings

Medicaid reduces emergency room visits and hospital costs by providing coverage for preventive care and early treatment, ultimately lowering overall health care spending.

Improved Health Outcomes

Research shows that Medicaid contributes to better health outcomes, including fewer uninsured individuals, improved access to preventive care, and reduced hospital visits by addressing health needs early on.

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Mental Health and Substance Use

Medicaid helps our residents access essential mental health and substance use disorder treatments, improving overall well-being and ensuring these conditions are addressed effectively.

Quick Facts About NH Medicaid

1 in 4

NH children are covered by Medicaid.

13% of population

of NH's population is covered by Medicaid.

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People with Disabilities.png

people with disabilities are covered by Medicaid in NH.

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of NH adults on Medicaid are working.

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5 in 8

nursing home residents are covered by Medicaid in NH.

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of births in NH are covered by Medicaid.

Source: KFF

Cutting Medicaid will take away health care from the very people the program was intended to protect. In New Hampshire, you likely know someone who receives health care through Medicaid — your friend and their young children, your parent or grandparent in a nursing home, your neighbor, waitstaff at your favorite restaurant. Rushed and sweeping cuts won't make health care more affordable, it will just raise costs for everyone.

We Need Your Help!

Do you or someone you know receive health care through Medicaid? We want to hear from you! We need to show our lawmakers, who work for us here in the Granite State, that the federal government should protect our Medicaid programs and stop cuts to Medicaid.

All Hands In

NH Medicaid Matters is made up of 80+ organizations who believe that our state's Medicaid program is vital to a healthy, thriving New Hampshire. We are committed to protecting this critical source of essential health insurance for hundreds of thousands of Granite Staters.

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© 2025 by the NH Needs Medicaid Coalition. Powered and secured by Wix.

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